
UFO Hawaii Insane In The Membrane

ByteFM: UFO Hawaii vom 24.07.2010

Ausgabe vom 24.07.2010: Insane In The Membrane

The world we're living in can be a crazy and disturbing place.

Sleeping disorders, the bible, hitler, torture, football, hermaphrodites, marriage, drugs, sex, breastmilk, trombones, office life, leberwurst, doppelganger, meditation, philosophy, synthesizer music, speech defects, tap water, ice cream men, crabs, customs, cocktail weenies, technology, neighborhood people, terroist attacs, freedoms, fear, demonic forces, impulse buying, truth & advertising, yoko ono, parties, commercials, flying saucers and getting naked - all these things can leave you confused & estranged. It can even make you insane in the membrane...

Musikalisch durch den Wahnsinn begleiten Euch u.a. Squarepusher, Yoko Ono, Frank Zappa, Cheech & Chong und natürlich Cypress Hill.


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1.  Richard Cheese / Insane in the Membrane
2.  The Producers / Springtime For Hitler
3.  Negativland / The Bottom Line
4.  Cheech & Chong / Dave
5.  Michael Jackson / Billy Jean (Demo)
6.  Denis Leary / I'm Happy
7.  Yoko Ono / Kiss Kiss Kiss
8.  Unknown / I'm naked
9.  Unknown / Sizzle
10.  Cassetteboy / Oops, No it Doesnt
11.  Unknown / At the Office
12.  317 Wurst / Wurstchen
13.  VC-People / Gypsy Dance
14.  Joe Meek / Homedemo
15.  Unknown / The Ice Cream Man is Fat
16.  Unknown / Lego Harpsicord
17.  386DX / California Dreaming
18.  Workshop / Escapade
19.  Unknown / Teh Crab
20.  Cypress Hill / Insane In The Membrane
21.  The Mothers Of Invention / German Lunch
22.  Ween / So Many People In The Neighborhood
23.  Frank Zappa / The Uncle Frankie Show
24.  Unknown / Penis Vulva Anus
25.  Künstler Treu sein Cousin / Cocktailsackweenies
26.  Sqarepusher / Break
27.  Bush vs. H. Chappel
28.  Alan Pellay / Demonic Forces
29.  Negativland / Truth In Advertising
30.  Tobias Sandberger / Mohun